Keep scrolling for all the details you ever wanted to know about pore vacuums (including how they work and if they’re safe), along with two editors’ experiences testing the top-rated pore vacuums on the market. But I still decided to find out for myself if pore vacuums actually work to unclog pores, or if it’s all a big internet scheme. Her results were, uh, interesting at best (see below). Low key, I had some prior skepticism about pore vacuums after former Cosmo deputy beauty director Chloe Metzger chatted with dermatologist Arash Akhavan, MD, and tried one for herself. So when I saw that pore vacuums were going viral on TikTok and became the “it” blackhead remover device on social media, I absolutely had to do some investigating and testing for myself.
DIY microcurrent devices? Oh yeah, I've got one of these too. Microdermabrasion devices? I've got thoughts. Part of my job as Cosmo's beauty editor is to test every skincare device and tool that comes across my desk or social feeds.